Friday, November 25, 2011

Andes Mint Cupcakes

First off, I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving! I was put into a food coma and ready for bed at about 7pm last night, so mine was a success. =]
I am really excited to share these cupcakes. I was invited to a cupcake exchange party last weekend and was thrilled to have the chance at making these.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Another birthday cake! I would have put a picture of my bestest friend holding his cake, but I am sick of seeing boys taking up so much space on my blog. Where's the love ladies? It's cool. I get it. So, my very best friend turned the big 2-6 on November 1st. I know. Totally not cool enough to be born on Halloween. hahaha. Since I have begun to get semi-decent at this whole cake decorating things, I have been ever so excited to make Tim's cake. Why? Because he has pretty much the coolest job ever. He works at Game Informer. So he gets his hands on all the latest and greatest games and gets to rub it in our less fortunate faces. "Oh you don't have the new Mario for 3Ds?? I do...look how cool it is!! muahahahaha" Yeah, that is Tim. =] But seriously, go check him out here for a chance to pick his brain about video games.
Ok, where was I?