Friday, December 28, 2012


I can now officially announce that I have been asked to be a full time baker and decorator at Sarah Jane's. I, of course, happily accepted. I wish I could express how incredibly lucky I feel to have gotten this job, but trust me, this is a very big deal to me.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Back by popular demand!

Even though I am not "baking" doesn't mean I should not be updating, right? Truth is, I am baking, just not in my own kitchen.
Here is a little recap of my summer:

Monday, August 13, 2012

The reveal

Well, here it is! The actual finished result. The pictures may make it seem like it was an easy task, but it required some changes and decision making.

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Rehearsal.

A rehearsal needs to be had before the big day, right? Before I attempted the real deal, I wanted to do a run through of the wedding cake. Mainly, so I could get a good size estimate and to see which flower top would would look best. Another important thing was to give Sara (the bride) a better view as to how big the cake would actually be.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Something new.

These posts have been way over do, I know. I actually started to post this a month or so ago, then realized that I wanted to do these back-to-back. A good friend of my sisters approached me a couple months ago and asked me if I would be interested in making her wedding cake. of course, I said yes.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Irish Car Bombs

I have never been one to shy away from adding booze to my baked goods. So when I was looking for a fun cupcake recipe, these stood out immediately. Have you ever had an Irish Car Bomb? I have not, but if it tastes anything like these cupcakes, I would be in trouble.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The big issue: Salty or sweet?

Salty VS sweet...I think they should start debating that issue during the elections, it's a pretty big deal. Luckily, I am happy being in the middle of this issue. I am more than content eating a bag of chips, OR a cake. Maybe I should start eating cake with chips on top...hmm...

This past Sunday was Mother's day, hopefully you all knew that. However, it also marked the 4 year anniversary of my dad passing away. Sticking to tradition, we went to a cop bar, Alarys, in St. Paul and spent the night celebrating my dad.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tres Leches

Has anyone ever sampled this cake before? Up until last week I had never even really heard of it. However, I was set to do a stage at a restaurant where this was one of their main desserts, so I wanted to take a crack at it to see what I was up against. Oh PS It means, "3 milks". Clearly I need to learn Spanish.

Monday, April 30, 2012

More birthday delicious-ness!

Birthday cupcakes! I helped celebrate the birthday of one of my oldest friends yesterday, the big 2-6! I couldn't think of a better dessert to bring than champagne cupcakes.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A little thing called Swiss Meringue Buttercream...

Everyone, I have a confession to make; I am in love. Do you see that cake up there? The one with the shiny smooth has won me over. Swiss Meringue Buttercream (SMB as most bloggers call it) is totally going to change the way I bake from now on.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fruit Tart

There is a reason I look so happy in this picture. Fruit tart may just be one of my favorite desserts. I can never get sick of it or eat too much of it. Trust me, I have tried. You may recall that I am making it a goal to bake something at least once a week. My blog is sick of being abandoned and I am sick of not baking! So to kick start this week, I baked dessert for a dinner party last night. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I missed a birthday!!

Someone turned one while I was away! Happy 1st birthday to this little blog of mine. Apparently people really do "celebrate" this, so don't judge me. I feel awful that I haven't visited in so long! I honestly can't believe it has been over a year since I nervously typed out my first post in here.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hello out there!

I'm back, finally! I hope all of my readers are well (if there are any still out there!). Things have been pretty hectic for me, which does not make up for my lack of updating. However, the things I have been baking have all been repeats and I don't want to bore you. =]