Sunday, December 16, 2012

Back by popular demand!

Even though I am not "baking" doesn't mean I should not be updating, right? Truth is, I am baking, just not in my own kitchen.
Here is a little recap of my summer:

After I got re-settled in Northeast, I took a chance and sent an e-mail to Sarah Jane herself. I attached my blog address and said that if she needed help cleaning, filling pastry bags, whatever, I was interested. To my surprise, she actually wrote back and that is how this whole journey started. Over the summer I helped her out a few times by going in and decorating cakes for her, and that was pretty much the extent of it. As August finished up, I was getting pretty anxious about what my next step was going to be in this baking world. I had wrote to Sarah asking her advice on school and such and she responded by saying she was finally ready to staff some more people. I gladly accepted an official position at her bakery.
In the months since I have done a lot of decorating, baking and learning.
Sarah has done something great and completely taken me under her wing and is teaching me the ways of her baking magic. She does everything from breads, cakes, doughnuts, danishes, coffee cakes, cookies...the list goes on and on. The bakery has a great reputation and is loved by the community.  I can finally say I have my foot in the door in this field. I will continue to learn from her as long as she is willing to teach me. I don't think I will ever be able to thank her for all that she is teaching me, or express my gratitude for the opportunity.
So although I might not be updating my beloved blog very often, don't think for a minute that I have left the baking world, I am in fact, finally getting settled in a (hopefully) long career.
Below I have posted a few of my favorite cakes I have done there so far. I will try harder to take more pictures of the other things I am learning, but there isn't always an opportune time to stop and get out the camera. I thank you for continuing to be interested in what I am doing, and for reminding me that my blog still likes to be read.

As always, you can find more pictures over on my fan page

I can't wait to learn more and to share it with all of you.
For those words of encouragement and the kicks in the butt that I very much needed, I thank those special few of you that have kept me going.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!

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