Monday, August 6, 2012

The Rehearsal.

A rehearsal needs to be had before the big day, right? Before I attempted the real deal, I wanted to do a run through of the wedding cake. Mainly, so I could get a good size estimate and to see which flower top would would look best. Another important thing was to give Sara (the bride) a better view as to how big the cake would actually be.

So I baked up a quick box mix cake and used cheap canned frosting for this run through. Why waste time and money on something that was just going to go in the waste paper basket?
I did a super crappy job assembling the thing, again not the important part, and started to make the small decisions.
Beautiful! Right...? :)

I used some pretty classy props to show Sara how tall the cake was going to be.
Flower choice 1

Flower choice 1 with the lace

Lace against the fondant

Flower choice 2

Sara seemed to like the look of both of the flowers, so I had a tough choice to make.
Which one was chosen?
Stay tuned for the final wedding cake post!

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